Setup and Customizing
Project Name
project_root = "~/Home/..." -- Default: ~/Projects/Language
- You can change the default directory for the project. The project can be made from anywhere you want.
- It will automatically make the new Root Directory, so you don't have to worry about making it.
- Every language has the same keybinds so it is easy to remember keybinds and not have to remember thousands of keybinds.
- The only keybind that doesnt change no matter what happens is creating a new project. Enter the language you want, then enter the project name and boom! new project.
keybinds = [
["<Esc>"] = "CloseTerminal",
["<leader>pb"] = "languageBuild",
["<leader>pr"] = "languageRun",
["<leader>nf"] = "NewlanguageFile", -- such as .c files
["<leader>nh"] = "Newlanguage_secondaryFile", -- such as .h files
- The terminal has a couple of options that can be customized and with more to come
- Each is set to 0 by default
- right_padding: Padding for the right width of the terminal
- left_padding: Padding for the left width of the terminal
- top_padding: Padding for the top height of the terminal
- bottom_padding: Padding for the bottom padding of the terminal
- Each is enabled by default
- border: Adds a rounded border to the window
- number: Adds numbers to side of terminal
- relativenumber: Relative numbers indicate distances from the cursor, only works if number is enabled
- scroll: Allows scrolling in terminal
-- These are just defaults, so no need to copy them
terminal = {
right_padding = 0,
bottom_padding = 0,
left_padding = 0,
top_padding = 0,
border = true,
number = true,
relativenumber = true,
scroll = true,